Dignity Changes Everything: ATD Fourth World Spain Celebrates

By ATD Fourth World Spain
On 19 October, we marked the World Day for Overcoming Poverty with a gathering of nearly one hundred people who have shaped ATD Fourth World Spain over the last 30 years. This event, held at Madrid’s Pedro Zerolo Youth Centre, commemorated our collective commitment to addressing the indignities that force so many people into extreme poverty. We showcased key moments and projects from years gone by in an exhibition of photos and materials, then focused on the necessary steps to secure a future without poverty.
The first steps
Yolaine, who came to Madrid to establish ATD with Bruno as Volunteer Corps members, read a letter referencing the first steps of this adventure.
Juan, a Fourth World activist, said with conviction: “Your presence changed everything”. Yolaine responded humbly: “Well, we didn’t manage to change everything”. But Juan insisted: “Yes, you came to change our whole life; what happened at that time changed everything for us. You don’t realise how much it meant to us.”
Today, when we look back at the unyielding nature of extreme poverty, evictions, humiliation, and negligence, it is justifiable to question our achievements and the profound, irreversible changes that have affected our lives. We may also doubt our work when we observe the shame experienced by so many members of the Fourth World and other people close to us. This is especially true when we witness the violence suffered by those who live in extreme poverty that is passed on from generation to generation.
And yet much has been accomplished: the rehousing of families from the Pozo del Huevo shantytown, the impact of the Street Libraries on numerous children, and the discussions and ideas that inspired many. Gema recalls, “I realised that I had a voice and that we too had rights”. Moreover, our influence on legislation, the unwavering dedication of those who supported ATD, and the shared experiences that unite us in a common struggle. Shared dignity is our greatest success because this has changed everything now and forever.
Driven by the same conviction
Thirty years later, the people involved with ATD Fourth World are still driven by the same conviction that poverty is not inevitable. Only human beings can destroy it by creating a united world in which every individual has contributed the best of themselves until the end of their life.
As Yolaine reminded us, we know that “this change cannot be effected overnight, that forging links requires patience, trust, humility […], constantly going back to the drawing board (…) and being able to enjoy every step taken, no matter how small”.
Through each initiative, project, and interaction, we strive to achieve the ultimate goal: promoting unity, dignity, and a shared purpose to transform society.