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Despite living in poverty, together we will change the world
Two years after its founding, the “Family Solidarity” group continues to develop in a district of Bukavu. When the group (…) Read more
Speech by Moraene Roberts, member of ATD Fourth World UK. Colloquium:” Extreme poverty is Violence. Breaking the Silence. Searching for Peace” at UNESCO House. 26th January 2012
Conclusions and Commitments What is it that makes us human beings? We have intelligence and we think, we have a (…) Read more
Speech by Donald Lee, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Extreme poverty eradication projects ill-adapted to people’s needs. International Colloquium “Extreme poverty is Violence. Breaking the Silence. Searching for Peace” (…) Read more
The ILO adopts the recommendation on national social protection floors: The role of ATD and other NGOs.
The ATD Fourth World international team in Geneva led a delegation representing 54 NGOs in the debate on the ILO (…) Read more
Now grown up, Tapori children take on the role of youth workers.
There have been Tapori groups in Bukavu,in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for 15 years, helping (…) Read more