Webinar side panel to the UN 63rd Commission on Social Development
February 11 @ 10 h 00 min - 11 h 30 min
Free“Keeping the promise of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development by Achieving Legal Identity for All”
What: UN 63rd Commission on Social Development side panel webinar
When: Tuesday, February 11th, 10am EST
Where: Online, register here – https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sffS_vP0QG2cMRKujEfhVw
How much: Free!
Thirty years after the Copenhagen Declaration, an estimated 850 million people worldwide lack legal identity. Legal identity is essential to the eradication of poverty and is at the forefront of basic needs, as it provides access to the most fundamental rights: education, health, housing, land rights, voting, and social protection systems.
Leaving no one behind starts with birth registration for every child, but it also requires that every person has access to civil registration, legal identity that reflects their gender identity, is respective of family history, and provides a pathway to social protection systems.
We hope that you will be able to join us for this important conversation.