Addressing Tensions between Extreme Poverty and Environmental Conservation

High Level Political Forum 2021

Addressing the tensions between extreme poverty and environmental conservation: grassroots voices and solutions

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Join us for a fascinating dialogue bringing together:

  • Activists from the Quilombola community in Brazil and the Maasai community in Tanzania, both facing threats to their lands, identities and cultures.
  • Professionals in the field of social and environmental justice and human rights,
  • International policy-makers in the realm of environmental conservation and management.

Centered mainly around SDG 1 (no poverty) and SDG 13 (climate action), this side event to the High-Level Political Forum 2021 will explore the challenges and solutions at the intersection of poverty eradication and environmental preservation programs.

This event will bring together speakers with lived experience of poverty and policy-makers in the realm of environmental conservation. The goal of this side event is to show that poor communities and environmental protection should not be looked at and treated as if in competition with each other. Also that environmental conservation should not be used against the human rights of people and communities living in poverty. The side event will highlight examples of communities living in poverty acting to protect their environment and promote climate resiliency.

Extreme Poverty and Environmental Conservation

Together, panelists will discuss how environmental conservation should not be used against the human rights of people and communities living in poverty. They will also highlight examples of communities acting to protect and preserve their environment and culture.

Webinar panelists and moderator.


Seela John Sainyeye: Coordinator of Women Empowerment and Gender Equality at the Pilot Light Development Organization in Arusha, Tanzania

Leidyane Quilombola: leader of the Quilombola
Movement of Maranhão MOQUIBOM
and of the collective of Warrior
Women in Resistance, Nazaré, Brazil

David Smith: Chief Economist and Regional
Co-ordinator – Africa. UNDPUNEP
Action for the SDGs (PEA),
UNEP Africa Office

Yves Lador: Representative of Earthjustice
to the United Nations
in Geneva


Donald Lee: President of the International
Movement ATD Fourth World

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