Extreme poverty is violence – Breaking the silence – Searching for peace

Final report and conclusions of the 2009-2012 Action-Research Project and International Colloquium
Over a period of three years ATD Fourth World conducted an action-research project on the connections between extreme poverty, violence and peace, involving more than a thousand people from all over the world. Five regional seminars enabled the researchers to base themselves on local realities and identify common themes. An international colloquium with academics, grass-roots workers from other NGOs and international organisations was organised in January 2012 in Pierrelaye, France, to finalise the results of this research. An event was organised at UNESCO in Paris to present the results of the action-research project to the general public. The conclusions have been prepared by a group that was representative of the diversity of participants in this Colloquium.
The Final Report and the Conclusions of the 2009-2012 Action-Research Project and International Colloquium Conclusions are available in the files underneath.
See also the video