Franciscans International Joins the Stop Poverty Campaign

We are pleased to announce the Franciscans International as a partner with ATD Fourth World in its Stop Poverty Campaign 2017.
Franciscans International is the Franciscan voice at the United Nations protecting the vulnerable, the forgotten, and our wounded earth through advocacy.
Franciscans International’s website encourages visitors to support people living in poverty by becoming involved in the Stop Poverty campaign and by taking action.
ATD Fourth World and Franciscans International have a long history of collaboration, most notably in encouraging the United Nations to adopt the UN Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, a landmark achievement that was the first international text to acknowledge that extreme poverty is both the cause and the consequence of human rights violations. You can read the story of this momentous victory here.
To promote the Guiding Principles among people working at the local level, ATD Fourth World and Franciscans International produced in 2015 a Handbook that sets out basic principles for working with people living in extreme poverty, and suggestions as to actions that can be taken to help them advance their rights. The Handbook is available in English, French and Spanish.