Giving Everyone a Chance to Take a Vacation

The House of Family Vacations ‘La Bise’ (in the Jura region of France) is a project headed by ATD Fourth World. Created some forty years ago with the goal of hosting vacations for low-income families, some of whom come together with their children in foster care placements. It also welcomes individuals who are very isolated or homeless. The capacity is limited in order to allow for personalized attention, and to preserve a family atmosphere that is friendly and conducive to meeting new people.
In 2015, La Bise organized 10 respite stays, welcoming about forty families and twenty individuals.
The families arrive from all over France, each with their own stories and their own challenges. Little by little they let go of their worries to open themselves up to the joy of having a holiday, of meeting people and of discovery. Parents and children can spend some relaxing time with the support of welcoming hosts.
They say:
“Here, no one feels judged or looked at,
“I could trust that things would go well”
“I loved watching my son interact with others“
In this reassuring context, everyone can have new experiences, discover unknown capabilities, and develop new areas of interest:
“I went to a concert for the first time”
“I discovered basket-weaving”
“I participated in a discussion where my opinion was taken into account”
“I loved discovering beautiful landscapes and historical places”
This project is possible because of friends and partners who contribute by volunteering their services and by sharing their knowledge of the region, their interests or, their artistic or manual know-how. Everyone involved in this project believes that both hosts and guests are collaborating to make a reality for everyone of the human right to have a vacation.
Video of La Bise:

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