Highlights – October 17, 2020

Above: Virtual October 17, in Ireland.
October 17th, the World Day for Overcoming Poverty, was officially recognised by the United Nations in 1992. Since its creation, October 17th has been a day for people living in extreme poverty to speak out and for all citizens to consider how they can contribute to the eradication of extreme poverty. Every year, ceremonies and other gatherings take place around the world.
In Burkina Faso there were five commemorations. A beautification workshop in the One Hundred Trades Courtyard brought together young people in Ouagadougou. The theme of October 17, 2020 was “Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all”, participants planted trees and plants in the courtyard.

In the Central African Republic, families living in extreme poverty celebrated October 17 by highlighting the social and environmental injustices they face every day. In a letter (in French), they shared their proposals with the mayors of the eight districts of Bangui.

In Burundi, ATD Fourth World members worked on environmental projects (video below in French):

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In Madrid, ATD Fourth World members organized a forum on the links between social justice and environmental justice. In Seville, members decided to commemorate October 17 by planting trees.

In Luxembourg a film was shown about The Hidden Dimensions of Poverty research project followed by an outdoor event.

In Brussels, around thirty associations met at Place Sainte-Catherine, in the city center. In La Louvière, a citizens rallied around a reproduction the commemorative poverty stone in Paris.

In France, several commemorations took place:
Indian Ocean
In Mauritius, families from different neighborhoods commemorated October 17 in Case Noyale, a Mauritius neighborhood in deep poverty. Parents and children from the Richelieu, Vuillemin, Sainte Croix and Anoska districts also took part.

In Madagascar, a roundtable with six journalists and activists took place in the Antohomadinika neighborhood, followed by a public celebration, organized by young Fourth World activists.

Latin America and the Caribbean
Several commemorations in Guatemala:
- An online forum to reflect on the impact of Covid 19 on those in poverty. Participants discussed a common question: how to build a more united world?
- The traditional change of the rose of peace at the Palace of Culture in the capital. This event is a reminder that peace is fragile and must be taken care of.
- An exhibition in Escuintla, a provincial town.

In Haiti an event in Jean Rabel school. The participants celebrated the day with speeches, songs and dances.

Video of ATD UK activist Angela Babb released on October 17, 2020.

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Video of Isabelle Pypaert Perrin, Director General of ATD Fourth World.

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Information on World Day for Overcoming Poverty events in other countries.
Photos of October 17 in the Netherlands.
Gallery of October 17 events in Ireland
More information on the World Day can be found on the United Nations Website.