Newsletter October 2017 – ATD Tanzania

Dear friends,
We are happy to share with you a special newsletter dedicated to the next October 17th, the World Day for Overcoming Poverty. As you know, this year we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the day but not only that. In the framework of the Call to Action campaign, we also celebrate the 100th anniversary of Joseph Wresinski and the 60th anniversary of ATD Fourth World.
All year long the October 17th committee prepared this event with the hope of making this day an opportunity for people living in extreme poverty to be heard by others. We want to include the support of all our active members and to ensure that everyone will be able to participate in a special celebration on October 14th, 2017 in Dar es Salaam.
On page 3 you can read Joseph Wresinski’s speech, ‘’I bear witness to you’’, given on October 17, 1987 at the Human Rights Plaza in Paris. Following its spirit we plan a program which will combine our voice with the voice of people who live in poverty, yet every day work hard to overcome their challenges. As you know, this year ATD Fourth World is organizing the STOP POVERTY CAMPAIGN that was officially launched on February 12, 2017. This campaign gathers together people who want to end extreme poverty around the world in a demonstration of solidarity.
On our last page we invite you to read some ideas from young people, who are the future of our society. A delegation of four young people from the Youth Group Agatha, Halfani, Pazi and Vicky went to Bukavu, Congo to take part in a seminar concerning Education for Peace. They write about this event where they met other young people committed to various projects. As Vicky said, ‘’Cooperation among different backgrounds brings peace because through unity it shapes you to look as one.’’
We wish all friends everywhere in Tanzania and the rest of the world a successful and a happy October 17th.
The ATD Fourth World Tanzania October 17th committee