Nothing Can Limit Your Dreams: A Tapori Coloring Book

Illustrator, children’s book author, and friend of ATD Fourth World, Ari Puguh, has just released a storybook that encourages children never to give up on their dreams. Nothing Can Limit Your Dreams is Ari’s story of growing up in Indonesia. Even though his life was very difficult because of poverty, Ari held on to his dream of exploring the world outside his home.

Click here to order Nothing Can Limit Your Dreams: A Tapori Coloring Book.

Nothing Can Limit Your Dreams is also a coloring book. Puguh wanted children to get actively involved in the story. So he created a book that lets children choose their own colors for the illustrations as they go from page to page.

All sale proceeds go to ATD Fourth World and Tapori, a worldwide network of children who support one another through friendship. Tapori members develop empathy for others in order to promote peace and help build a better world.

The story behind the book

Seven years ago, Mr. Puguh was volunteering at a community center in Thailand where ATD organizes activities for children. The children he met there inspired him to write this book to share his own story of growing up in difficult circumstances in Indonesia. Mr. Puguh hopes it will give children around the world more self-confidence and be a source of hope for them.

Author Ari Puguh with child in Bangkok, Thailand.

Today, Mr. Puguh is a professional illustrator based in Abu Dhabi. This year on World Day for Overcoming Poverty in October, he posted to his Facebook page:

“Dear Friends, this year, as a way of giving back, I worked with a non-governmental organization, ATD Fourth World, to publish a children’s book on the UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. ATD is an organization dealing with poverty and children’s rights globally. Coming from the same background and experiences, I wanted to contribute.

I recalled my childhood’s memory and transferred it into this book, Nothing Can Limit Your Dreams. The book tells the story of seeing [difficult family life], poverty and injustice from a child’s perspective. I personally believe all children should have the same chances, no matter their background and circumstances.

“This book is dedicated to the children around the world who are facing a difficult life. It lets them know that their current circumstances do not define their future.”

For the launch of Nothing Can Limit Your Dreams in Thailand, Ari Puguh conducted two children’s art workshops in Bangkok.

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