Tanzania Newsletter December 2016

Dear Friends,
As we come to the end of the year 2016, let us reflect on the following statement: “Poverty was not brought by God , it is caused by human beings because those who have are not ready to share with those who haven’t”. This statement was given by mother Teresa of Calcutta. Greediness and selfishness leading to wealth accumulation can result into wars, violence, environmental degradation and worse, the catastrophe of extreme poverty which is a violation of human rights.
We ATD members in solidarity with other stakeholders, take the responsibility to ensure that these rights are solemnly restored, that is to regain humanity and dignity so that people are able to stand up, take a step forward and be able to bring changes in their personal lives and their societies at large. Our unity, involvement and commitment is so important because we local members remain in our localities when permanent volunteers keep changing. It is our responsibility to ensure that we build a self confident society ready to take charge and get involved in development.
2016 has been a successful year. We involved ourselves into different activities and researches hence expanding our public relationships. This was well reflected in the 17th October celebrations in Dar es Salaam, Njombe and Dodoma whereby
people from different walks of lives, academicians, government officials and representatives from NGOs participated.
Internationally, we are in preparations for the special events of 2017: 100 years of the birth of Joseph Wresinski , 60 years since the start of ATD and 30 years of celebrations of 17th of October, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. These are responsibilities which needs our total commitment.
Wishing you all a happy New Year 2017!
Constantine S. Munema
Member of International ATD Board of Directors