UNESCO Celebrates the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
As part of the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, UNESCO’s MOST programme —in partnership with ATD Fourth World — invites you to attend a roundtable discussion:
“Merging Knowledge: A people-centred approach to combating poverty”
Maison de l’Unesco, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris
17 October 2023, 3-5pm (French time), room 9
or online via Zoom
Click here to register for in person participation
Click here to register for online participation (via Zoom)
UNESCO, through its MOST (Monitoring of Social Transformations) programme, asserts that the fight against inequality and exclusion requires those who are marginalised or have limited access to services to be involved in decision-making processes. ATD Fourth World further advocates for involvement that extends beyond mere consultation.
In order for policies to lead to real changes in the lives of people experiencing poverty, genuine participation — from the outset of policy formulation, to implementation, to evaluation — is imperative.
To this end, ATD Fourth World has developed the “Merging Knowledge” technique, which encourages equal dialogue between academics, professionals and people experiencing poverty. Merging Knowledge is now recognised by several renowned universities across the world (Oxford University in the United Kingdom, Joseph Ki-Zerbo University in Burkina Faso, Sorbonne University in France, and UAM in Mexico, to name a few). However, it still faces challenges in being integrated into the development of poverty reduction policies by policymakers.
The roundtable will explore Merging Knowledge, and its relevance, necessity, and implementation, in panel discussions, presentations, and cross-continental dialogues. It will be held in person, but it will also be possible to follow along by video.
Interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be available.
It is essential that you register for the roundtable should you wish to attend either online or in person.
You can also find the concept note and a detailed programme for the round table here.
- Moderator: Pascale Budin, ATD Fourth World
Introduction and Opening Remarks:
- Gabriela Ramos, Unesco, ADG for Social and Human Sciences
- Nana Boateng (UNESCO, Chief of section, MOST)
- Pascale Budin, ATD Fourth World, Merging Knowledge France specialist
- Alberto Ugarte Delgado, ATD Fourth World, Merging Knowledge trainer for Latin America, Peru
Presentation Merging Knowledge technique:
- Marc Couillard, ATD Fourth World activist, Belgium
- Monique Couillard-De Smedt, ATD Fourth World activist, Belgium
Relevance, necessity and requirements
- Emma Poma Janco, ATD Fourth World activist, Bolivia
- Marion Carrel, professor, Lille 3 University, CERIES, co-director of the “GIS Démocratie et Participation”, France
Merging Knowledge implementation:
Training in Latin America (UAM University Mexico)
- Beatriz Monje-Baron, ATD Fourth World, Merging Knowledge trainer for Latin America, Mexico
- Patricia Urquieta Crespo, Academic researcher, Research and Action for Global Development Institute (IIADI), La Paz, Bolivia
Dimensions of Poverty research (Oxford University, ATD Fourth World)
- Kitojo Wetengere, Professor University of Arusha, Tanzania
Policy Relevance:
- Alain Pothet, Ministry of National Education, former adviser to the Minister for Urban Affairs and Housing on educational success and community involvement, France
Merging of Knowledge propositions
- Bruno Dabout, Director General ATD Fourth World International
Q&A Session
Wrap-up and Closing Remarks by Moderator