ATD Fourth World Priorities

Our Priorities

One central focus, four priorities: ATD Fourth World's Strategic Ambitions 2019–2023

Every five years, ATD Fourth World members evaluate past activities and plan for the years to come. For 2019-2023, ATD Fourth World has set itself one central focus and four specific priorities.

Our Central Focus: Reaching out to those whose contribution is still missing

ATD Fourth World believes in giving priority to people living in the worst conditions of persistent poverty. One of our major goals for 2019-2023 is ‘Leave no one behind’, an ambitious aim that also forms part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

‘Leave no one behind’ means reaching out to those who are the most isolated. This is done in order to build long-term trusting relationships; inviting new people to join the struggle against poverty; and getting involved with other community groups, organisations, networks and institutions, and working together with them to change policies and promote access for all to their human rights.


Our strategy has four major ambitions:

1. Making the most of everyone’s capacity and knowledge in order to meet the global challenge

ATD Fourth World PrioritiesFor more than sixty years, ATD has created opportunities for people to bring to light what they know and think about poverty, based on their own experience and convictions.

2. Working for an education system that recognises everyone’s potential

ATD Fourth World PrioritiesFrom the very beginning, ATD Fourth World has worked all over the world with families living in poverty in order to realise their hope for a decent education for all.




3. Promoting a society respectful of all people and of the earth
as a pre-condition for peace.

ATD Fourth World PrioritiesThrough pilot projects that give priority to people in the worst conditions of poverty, ATD Fourth World is looking at how to bring into being a model of economy producing social and economic capital and respectful of the earth’s resources.



4. Building a movement capable of sustaining a long-term commitment to the eradication of poverty

Putting an end to poverty requires an ambitious long-term commitment to policies and programmes of action which respect the dignity of all people. Breaking down social exclusion therefore requires a lasting personal commitment.

Download our Strategic Ambitions 2019 – 2023.

ATD Fourth World Priorities