Activists1 are at the heart of all we do. They are people who have themselves endured poverty, and who choose to share the knowledge and experience gleaned from their resistance with others. ATD Fourth World activists seek out and support those even more marginalized than themselves, working to make sure everyone has their place.
In the video below Thomas Mayes, ATD activist and former member of ATD Fourth World’s International Board of Directors talks about why he is involved in ATD and what motivates him.

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Portraits of Activists
International Archives Week 2024
Above: Marie Jahrling, on the right This article is based on a text by Marie Jahrling from the Cerisy Symposium (…) Read more
My People Are My Strength
My People Are My Strength (Les Miens sont ma force) by Martine Le Corre, was published at the end of (…) Read more
Francine: Equal Land Rights for Women
Portraits of African Women Struggling to Survive Extreme Poverty To mark International Women’s Day this week, we are highlighting some (…) Read more